Dresden Drive Open House Presentation 4-14-22

April 14, 2022

Following feedback received during the fall of 2021, the scope of this study was expanded to refine the analysis, update the traffic study, develop updated recommendations and new considerations, and to hold two additional public meetings. Specifically, the study now includes consideration of additional intersections and roadway segments within the Brookhaven Fields and Ashford Park neighborhoods and of options for traffic calming beyond what is in place now on neighborhood streets due to possible increases in future traffic. Since the scope was revised, a virtual public meeting was held on March 3, 2022, to provide community members an opportunity to learn about the new data collected and the assumptions incorporated into the analysis. Since then, the project team developed initial recommendations and considerations based on analysis and findings. The purpose of today’s Public Open House is to present those draft recommendations and considerations and to get feedback from the community.

The materials presented at the open house are:

•    Study Overview
•    Summary of Draft Recommendations & Considerations
•    Draft Recommendations - Dresden Drive at Apple Valley Road
•    Draft Recommendations - Dresden Drive at Ellijay Drive / Caldwell Road
•    Draft Recommendations - Dresden Drive at Clairmont Road
•    Draft Recommendations – Traffic Calming Strategies
•    Other Considerations

The primary objectives of the study are to:

•    Evaluate existing and forecast future traffic based on known and planned developments in the area
•    Evaluate existing conditions, signals, and pedestrian facilities for safety and efficiency
•    Recommend intersection improvements for optimal traffic movement
•    Provide recommendations for additional or revised traffic calming measures in the neighborhoods north and south of Dresden Drive accessed from the Caldwell Road and Ellijay Drive intersections based on an evaluation of future traffic impacts