Upper N Fork Nancy Creek (UNFNC) Stream Restoration Project: I-285 to Murphey Candler Lake

Upper North Fork Nancy Creek Stream Restoration Project:  I-285 to Murphey Candler Lake

CREATED:  1/15/2024

UPDATED:  2/9/24


Current Activities Jan 29 - Feb 8

Installation of the Limits of Disturbance and silt fences and construction of the temporary construction access road. 


First identified as a priority project in the Nancy Creek Watershed Improvement Plan, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD) awarded funding for the UNFNC Stream Restoration Project through a competitive grant proposal evaluation process through the Section 319(h) Water Quality Cost Share Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2018.  The project is a key element of Sustainable Brookhaven.


The project begins at the Murphey Candler Lake Trash Rack, a floating screened structure designed to capture floating and submerged debris washed into N Fork Nancy Creek from storm runoff.  From there, the project extends almost 2,000 linear feet to a concrete box drainage culvert under Interstate 285.


The Lower North Fork Nancy Creek Stream Restoration Project, which the City completed at the end of 2021, employs concepts of rigidity through the use of large granite boulders that look and feel at home and in-place in its built-environment setting between ball fields.  The Upper NFNC project design team selected construction materials more appropriate to its natural riparian environment.  Woody materials built into the muddy toe of the creeks banks take the place of the large, stacked river boulders found in the lower project area. Notched logs create riffles and pools as opposed to the "rock 'n roller" and rock vein features used below.  New grading features will help restore the benched floodplain features known to have been present before channelization of the Upper portions of N Fork Nancy Creek.  


Both projects seek to improve water quality in Nancy Creek by removing significant sediment loads which, in turn, will promote a higher functioning habitat for a biologically diverse ecosystem promoting thriving microinvertebrate and marine nursery populations.  The structural elements employed will stabilize the creek beds and banks, preventing erosion and headcuts the confluence of tributaries.



Notice to Proceed (NTP) issued January 12, 2024

Initial Mobilization:  January 21, 2024

Noticeable Activities Begin:  January 29, 2024


Public Information and Open House:  January 24, 2024 at 7:00 PM at Baseball Building, 2nd Floor, 1551 W Nancy Creek Dr.:  Complete.  Thanks to all who gave us their time.  Great questions were asked, and our subject matter experts provided in depth answers to each.


Project Kickoff Meeting:  January 25, 2024


Work should be completed in 120 calendar days.


The project received a high level of scrutiny from of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the authority having jurisdiction of stream beds throughout the States, as well as the Georgia EPD's staff charged with protecting the State's Stream Buffers.  The City put the project out for competitive bidding through qualifications-based procurement processes.  When bids were opened on December 4, 2023, City Council awarded the project to Shamrock Construction & Remediation, LLC. as the best qualified and lowest bidder.  Shamrock completes millions of dollars worth of Stream Restoration projects each year, and come will great recommendations from past client's in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina.





Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Detailed Cross Section of Shallow Pool Features
Detailed Cross Section of Riffle Features