Floodplain Regulations & Protection

In the United States and in Georgia, flooding is the No. 1 natural disaster. To identify flood hazards and the risks they pose, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) develops flood hazard maps, known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FIRMS.  Click here to determine whether your property is in the floodplain.

For new construction: The City of Brookhaven does not allow building in the floodplain.

For renovations to existing property in the 100-year floodplain:

  • The project cannot expand the size of the house.
  • The renovations cannot cost more than half of the current value of the home or it is considered a substantial improvement.
  • If a substantial improvement is proposed then the existing structure must also be brought into compliance with the current FEMA regulations.
  • The lowest floor including the basement on a residential renovation shall be a minimum three feet above the base flood (100-year floodplain) elevation or one foot above the future-conditions flood elevation, whichever is higher.  To best determine this, homewoners should consult with an engineer and city staff


Flood insurance:
Federal flood insurance is required by most lenders for buildings mapped in the high-risk Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) shown on flood hazard maps. Flood insurance is available to homeowners, renters, condo owners/renters, and commercial owners/renters within NFIP participating communities. Costs vary depending on how much insurance is purchased, what it covers, and the property’s flood risk. For more information about flood insurance, visit www.floodsmart.gov.