Parks Bond Referendum report submitted to Mayor and City Council

Voters could decide on Parks projects in November election

Brookhaven, GA, June 29, 2018 – Today, Brookhaven City Manager Christian Sigman forwarded an analysis of a potential Parks Bond referendum to the Mayor and City Council.  If approved by the City Council, the referendum would be on the November 6, 2018 ballot.

This report provides the Administration’s analysis of the potential Park Bond Referendum to continue progress on the Parks Master Plan. The report describes the park and recreation planning efforts immediately prior to the City’s incorporation as well as organizational development and park improvement progress in the five years since incorporation.

“Our master plans, which were resident-driven, call for $75 million in Parks capital improvements, and we presently have no dedicated funding source,” said Sigman.  “We are recommending a millage- backed Park Bond Referendum in the $30 million to $50 million range, which would not increase Brookhaven property taxes.”

A millage rate to support a parks bond would be offset by the reduction in the City’s property tax rate due to DeKalb County Park Bonds maturing in 2020 as well as the increased EHOST property tax credit resulting from the voter approval of the SPLOST in November 2017.

“As it stands now, a parks bond is the most viable means of completing the redevelopment of park facilities and construction of new facilities in our lifetimes,” said Sigman.

If the Mayor and City Council chooses to place a Park Bond Referendum on the November ballot, the City Council must adopt a resolution calling the election ballot question at its July 24 meeting.  In this resolution, the City must have the wording of the question finalized and an associated project list.  The City of Brookhaven has been collaborating with the Park and Recreation Commission (PARC) to develop project lists at $30, $40 and $50 million increments.  The lists are expected to be submitted on or before July 9.

“Once we have the recommended projects, we will post them on the City website and invite feedback,” said Sigman.

The website for Parks Bond Referendum information, including the Park Bond Referendum report and supporting documentation, can be found here:

The email for feedback on parks projects (to be completed July 9) is


Media Contacts:

Burke Brennan
Communications Director