Newly Elected Officials Guide

January 8, 2024


On behalf of the City Council, and City staff, we would like to congratulate you as a newly elected official representing Brookhaven. The voters have spoken, and you’re the candidate they’ve elected to keep Brookhaven advancing, as well as delivering on the promises you made during your campaign.

How the City governs, and how you conduct your policy efforts and constituent services, reflect directly on the image of the City. So, I and your fellow members of City Council (both current and prior), would like to introduce Resolution 2021-06-03 “Conduct and Decorum Guidelines for elected and appointed Official.” This important organizational culture document is attached for your convenience.

It has been said, “culture trumps strategy” and in Brookhaven we have a culture of collaboration, collegiality, and respect amongst the elected officials, city staff, and in the community. Brookhaven public meetings and comments are devoid of the calamities beset communities that find themselves on the front page of the newspaper. We know you will embrace the City’s culture and ensure our reputation as a well-run community is maintained.

 Additionally, other enterprise-wide and organizational culture priorities include:

  • Social Justice, Race and Equity
  • Sustainable Brookhaven
  • Customer Service and Community Engagement
  • Transparency
  • Regional Presence

With your commitment to collaboration, and hard work, we know Brookhaven will continue to provide the finest level of government that our residents, businesses, and visitors have to come to expect.

We have prepared The Enclosed Newly Elected Officials Guide as a practical tool to help you understand your roles and responsibilities in helping govern the City of Brookhaven.

If there is anything the City of Brookhaven staff or I can do to assist you in your onboarding, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours in service,

John A. Ernst, Jr.
Mayor of Brookhaven