Brookhaven/Chamblee host successful Household Hazardous Waste Drive event

Household hazardous waste including pesticides, herbicides, and paint were collected

Brookhaven, GA, June 22, 2022 – The City of Brookhaven, in partnership with the City of Chamblee and Live Thrive, hosted a very successful Household Hazardous Waste Drive recycling event on June 11, 2022, at Plaza Fiesta parking lot.

A total of 251 residents from Brookhaven and Chamblee were served at the recycling event.  A total of 29,247 pounds of hazardous waste was diverted from the water system and landfill, as follows:

Styrofoam, 330 pounds

Plastic Film, 201 Pounds

Electronics, 6,060 Pounds

Household Goods/Textiles, 728 Pounds

Paint/Chemicals, 21, 928 Pounds

In addition to staff, collaboration with volunteers from Keep Chamblee Beautiful and Cox Enterprises made this event a success.

Live Thrive is a 501 (c) 3 that empowers people, organizations, universities, communities, and businesses to make positive, healthy, and sustainable changes to the environment through partnerships and community events.  Brookhaven partnered with Live Thrive as part of its Sustainable Brookhaven initiative, which is a way of governing and managing in pursuit of lasting economic, social, and environmental development that seeks to avoid and prevent the depletion or permanent damage of Brookhaven’s resources, which include the environment, built infrastructure, and civic capital that is the DNA of the City.

Media Contact:
Marcela Cortes
Public Engagement Specialist


Household hazardous waste including pesticides, herbicides, and paint were collected

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Volunteers break up more than 300 pounds of Styrofoam
More than 6,000 pounds of electronics were safely recycled