Brookhaven adopts arts and culture master plan

Brookhaven arts and culture

Arts Brookhaven: A Vision for Culture and Creativity in Our Community

Brookhaven, Ga, Sept. 24, 2020– After two years in the works, the City of Brookhaven formally adopted on Sept. 22, Arts Brookhaven: A Vision for Culture and Creativity in Our Community, a plan that will be a road map to support and celebrate Brookhaven's diverse nature and grow its arts and cultural offerings.  

"The arts have the power to reach our emotions and bring us hope. This year, perhaps more than any other in our lifetimes, we need creative expression to interpret our experience, lift us up, speak to our hearts, and carry us through," said Elizabeth Peterson, the Chair of the Brookhaven Arts Advisory Committee. "With this plan as a dynamic guide, the Committee is excited to see what Brookhaven can do with the amazing capacity of the arts now and many years to come." 

The community-centered plan was conceived by of The Brookhaven Arts Advisory Committee, comprised of 11 members and established in 2018. They examined the topic and included community members through focus groups/meetings, public open houses, and an online public comment period for the draft plan. Work included site visits, tours of City parks and the Peachtree Creek Greenway with City staff, and interactive sessions with the Arts Advisory Committee. 

The plan seeks to connect the City's proximity to a wealth of arts and cultural resources in the Metro Atlanta region with experiences, learning opportunities, and connections related to arts and culture within the City. It includes six goals, with 33 supporting strategies that will be implemented in the coming years. 

The plan will be translated into Spanish and made available to Brookhaven's Spanish speaking community. Funding for the plan will be included for consideration to Council in the 2020 draft budget. 
